Friday, March 30, 2007

So I have a set of wheels and tires I've been trying to sell for a little while. I've had them in the recycler and on Craig's list, and still no real interest. But, what I do get is emails for this scam. They are all basically the same, for some reason they make up, someone in another country wants to buy the stuff. The plan is that they have someone here who owes them money supposedly, so that person will be sending me a bank check, which I deposit, then wire the rest to this overseas buyer, then they'll have someone come pick up the stuff. Actually, it's a counterfeit check which will take about 1 to 2 weeks to bounce back to my bank, in the meantime, the scammer will have removed the money that I wired, and now I'm out the cash. The stories all change a little, sometimes it's a company who wants to hire me to collect checks, and deposit them, but usually it's supposedly to buy the stuff. The emails never mention the wheels, and usually ask for a picture, which there are 4 of with the article.
This one is my favorite so far, got it last night. Completely unedited, mind you...


I already scrutinize through the site, I saw your goods and service which turn out to be impressive to me. My interest is not only captured but I have the zeal to patronize you for effective and prolong transaction.

I am hoping to get you directly involve in my sequence of market, where I sell in unit and buy either whole sale price or unit depending on the taste and request of my customers. So, I do not mind the price but to get in race with the request of my customers because business is all about promise and deliver.

I will be glad if you would turn out the mode at which you have loved to be paid, after I purchase from you. Then I will turn out the list of items I have pegged to buy from you. And please you can help me with the picture of your product.

Your quick respond is always a gesture of strong dedication and wiliness and that is my principle, and I will be hoping to hear from you. I don’t like gaps between myself my business associate, so don’t hesitate to reply me via this mail.


Yours Faithfully

It's even more fun if you read it out loud to someone standing close by. Do people actually fall for this? I guess they must, but to me, even if it was worded correctly, it would reek of scam.
Good times.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Now all we need is pirate warrior
This show is awesome, awesome, and more awesome, with a side of sauteed awesome, scalloped awesomes, and awesome brulee for dessert.
I'm not joking. I love the Japanese.


Got this picture sent to me from the Texas friend.
This is the backyard of one of his employees.
Yes, the bathtub works, and has hot water. Apparently he likes to fall asleep in it, until the water gets too cold and it wakes him up. Then he drains the water, and refills it and goes back to sleep. I'm pretty confused within my own head as to weather or not this is really awesome and I wish I had a backyard to do the same thing in, or kinda weird.
Oh, and I have no idea whether or not he actually bathes in it (au natural style) or just soaks like a hot tub. I guess the answer to that would have an impact on my opinion...

Monday, March 19, 2007

Only sure things in life? Death and Texas

So, my buddy who moved to Texas (Dallas area, not middle of nowhere) this past weekend went to a mud bog event. Was this at some sort of arena, or park, or racetrack you might ask? Nope, in some guy's backyard. Yikes.
I guess this is what you do in Texas, go to a backyard, drink beers, and watch guys who have drank a lot of beers drive their trucks that they've spent a lot of money on through a lot of mud.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


So, yeah I'm still playing the game, but I'm also having fun messing with pictures. So this is the new version of the cover, with me and my little niece on it. Good times!

So I had a pretty good scare yesterday. Well, not just me, there were plenty of people who had some stress-filled days yesterday. Everything turned out great, but man, I already knew I wasn't ready for my dad to go, but now I really know it. So, if you're reading this pops, keep up the good work of being healthy. I'm not done learning from you yet!