Monday, February 04, 2008

Unless the Cowboys are in it, I'm watching more for the ads than the game. This time, the game was more exciting than the ads. I liked the talking baby, even though I can't remember the company the ad was for, I thought the one, telling us to go to the website to actually see the commercial was lame, and makes me want to never use The Budlight ones with the fire-breathing, or flying ability were totally predictable and lame.
I was stoked though that the Pats lost. I don't really care that the Giants won, but that the Pats lost is awesome.

Martians don't take responsibility

So I was helping to pass out the training shirts to people on Saturday at the kickoff meeting with the new season of Team In Training. I noticed something very entertaining about guys in general. For some reason, they feel like less of a man if they are wearing a shirt that, by the label only, are too small. The shirts are really big, so when someone comes up, and wears a large usually, and we tell them that the medium will probably be perfect, they refuse to take it, and will only take the large, without even looking at it. I had one guy, literally say to me, "No, I am extra-large". So, I gave him an extra large... he comes back about 30 minutes later, and wanted to switch. He was the only one though, the rest insisted that they were not going to wear a medium. Funny. I've noticed the same sort of thing working in collision repair... guys won't say that they were following too close, or misjudged the size of their car in a parking garage. They'll say that the person in front of them stopped too quick, or that they put a post in a bad spot in the parking lot, or that their brakes failed. Overall, guys say that it's not their fault. Women, on the other hand, will readily admit when it was their mistake, and have no problem wearing a size smaller than their usual.