Saturday, June 30, 2007


So yesterday was the big iPhone release day. I did not get one. I'm okay with that. I actually have nothing against it, for what it is. It's fun technology, gadget, all that stuff. But, it's 600 bucks. That part is what's so ridiculous to me. It's like when plasma televisions came out. People spent so much money on them, and now, you can get better quality for about a third of what was spent.. and with the rapid decay of a plasma, those people are now buying new ones.. so they're spending even more. Don't all the people in line for days for the iPhone realize that in probably less than a year, Apple will come out with a new, better, larger storage version for probably less? Do they just not mind that they'll be spending extra? I've thought about whether or not my feelings are from jealousy, and I'm pretty sure they're not. I still don't own an iPod, I don't need texting because I don't see the use in it. I think I'm just upset that people would be willing to spend that much. On the other hand, I would easily be happy to shell out 300 for a 10,000 piece Lego Star Wars Star Destroyer set. So I guess we all have our things.

A side note about texting... I was getting ready to do a couple things for the concert on Thursday night at the worship conference, talking to some of the other people. There were three girls, all 14 or 15 years old, so I decided to get to the bottom of why they were able to have thousands of text messages in a month. Here were their reasons for why they like texting:
they liked being able to express something to someone that they "didn't feel like talking to"
it was good for talking to people when you can't speak out loud, like in class or church

When I was a teenager, I decided that I was going to be one of those adults that understood teens, and thought their stuff was cool.
Now I'm not a teenager, and I realize I was wrong, I don't get teens.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Die Hard-core

Went to see the latest installment in the Die Hard series last night with a couple friends. It was just what this summer movie season needed! Explosions, guns, fighter jets, special effects, computers, unkillable hero, and so full of holes, inconsistencies, and incorrect things (hitting the front of a car will not set off the airbags... it needs to be moving, or hit really hard and really fast)... all wrapped up into a couple hours of good times. I had asked Jen the day before if she cared about seeing it. Her response of "I think I've already seen it" not only made me laugh, she was right. I had seen it already too, but I was ok with it.
Go see it, just go with the expectation of good times, not accuracy or realism, and you won't be disappointed.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Well, no sweep, but we did win 2 out of three. Fun series to watch.
I'm sick, have been battling this since last week, so I'm pretty sick (heh!) of it now. It's getting better, so that's good, but I'd rather it be all gone, instead of partly gone.
Went over with Gerry to one of his friend's places to watch some UFC, which I'm not really a fan of, but was entertained nonetheless. I also noticed how marriage has changed me in the past 2 years. It's not that their place was messy or dirty or anything like that, but if was pretty obvious that it was a guy only house. If someone were to have asked me before this weekend whether or not our place has a lot of girl influence, I would have probably said that there were probably a couple things, but over, not really. Now, after being reminded of what a guy only place is like, yeah, there's a girl living here. Heh.
And I sure am glad there's a girl here.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Angels start a 3 gamer at Dodger stadium tonight. Man, it would be sweet if they could sweep away the blue again, but we'll see!
Also, stupid National League, they really need the designated hitter rule. Having to have either an easy out when the pitcher is up to bat, or having to switch him out of the game prematurely sucks.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

that really bugs me

Hmm, the night before last, I got a bug bite on my forehead, it's pretty much gone today. But, when I got out of the shower this morning, and was drying off, Jen walked in (it still feels kinda naughty that she sees me nekkid) and said "What happened?"!!! I look at my back in the mirror, and see this on my shoulder.

Nice huh? They don't itch, don't hurt, but look like I got brutally attacked! The weirdest part, Jen got nothing. I think it's just because I'm so sweet.

Jen also said that I'm "one of those people" that post things like this. lol

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I sincerely apologize to my readers for my recent lack of entries (both of you). It's not that I've been too busy, I've just been too lazy. My bad. So, here is the most recent things:
-Rick wants us to perform again our show we did a couple of weeks ago, this time at the worship conference, which is really cool, and good for the drama ministry as a whole. (we don't get used all that often)
-went camping last weekend. It was really nice, except for the mystery animal right outside our tent that woke up Jen (but not me) by growling.
-I have somehow caught a cold overnight
-I got a bugbite on my forehead last night while sleeping. I know that bugs crawl on us while we sleep, and sometimes we eat them, but to have one bite me, that's just rude!
-I'm possibly going to be at a different shop. Probably more money-good, farther from home-bad, closer to church-good(on tuesdays). It's still kind of up in the air.
That's it for now!

Monday, June 04, 2007

Ummm, no new posts, I'm a slacker this week.
Bad me!
I'll try to add one tonight.