Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Old Francisco

Been a little while... quick summary.
Went to San Francisco for my youngest cousin's wedding, was able to spend the day in the city, before going to the wedding the next day. I think the highlight for me was the cable car museum. It was totally free (perfect price) and I learned tons, I'm practically a cable car expert now.

This building is where they house the cars on the top floor, and have the motors moving the cables on the ground floor, and underneath, are the giant wheels that point the cables to each of four lines in the system.

Inside the building... each cable is one continuous loop. Each one will stretch about 100 feet in it's lifetime before it needs to be replaced, and they handle this by having wheels at the far end of this picture able to move further away from the motors.

Jen just really liked this purple house, it was pretty cool, I must admit. We did a lot of walking, which was pretty tough the week after the San Diego Rock 'n Roll Marathon.

Man, that chocolate ice cream from the Ghiradelli's Chocolate factory sure was good.

On a side note, went to the mall today, looking for a man bag. I only found one, for 49.99, so I was unsuccessful on my mission. The item of note though, is that in my going from store to store, I realized that the stores that I would buy my clothes from 10 years ago, are not the same ones I would go into today, because I'm too old for it. Ouch.
I also walked into the Apple store, which was an odd experience, because everyone that worked there I completely distrusted, as if they were about to try to swindle me. I don't have pictures, cause I think they would sue me or something.
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Monday, June 09, 2008

So, if you look closely, you'll see that these specially scissors are designed specifically to open the type of packaging that it is, in fact, packaged inside. I sure hope whomever decided on the packaging knows about the amusement it has given to me.
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