Wednesday, January 31, 2007

mini doesn't mean small, it means awesome!

They're having a combo little league spring training clinic (with Garrett Anderson there) and classic car thingy at the church this weekend, so we're taking the mini. I'm looking forward to being that guy sitting in his fold-out chair next to the car. Should also be entertaining because it's in now way close to being restored, so I hope to park it next to the nicest looking old car, just for the amusing contrast. Good times. I'll try to remember to bring the camera and take some pics to post.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Yikes Dykes!

For those of you who don't know, Doyle Dykes ( is a crazy awesome guitar player. He was at our church this weekend, and played a concert after the Sunday night service, which Jen and I stayed for. We were kinda hesitant to stay, just because we weren't sure if we wanted to stay up or not, but we were very glad we did. Amazing. During the show, while tuning his guiter, he told a story about why all of his guitars have a white rose on the end. (is that part called the head? i don't know) I'll do my best to recreate it.

When his oldest daughter was 4 years old, Doyle was in her room with her, and she said she wanted to pray and ask God for a rose. So, Doyle prayed with her, then forgot all about it. The next day, his daughter asked him why God didn't bring him a rose. Doyle, not sure how to respond, told her that it was because she didn't ask for a specific color. So, they prayed again, and she asked for a white rose. Doyle had a show that night, and didn't really make any plans about getting her a flower or anything like that. At the end of the show at this little church, a lady came walking up to the front. She was special needs, about 30 years old, but mentally about six. She had a piece of aluminum foil wrapped around something and said to Doyle, "God told me today that I was supposed to give you something from my garden." Doyle thanked her, and told her that he would enjoy eating it. She kinda laughed and said, "I sure hope you don't eat it." Doyle opened it up, and sure enough, inside it was a white rose. He told the lady that the rose actually wasn't for him. She again told him that God had told her to give him something from her garden. He took it home with him, and as soon as he pulled up, his daughter came running out to him, gave him a big hug, and said, "He brung it to me, didn't he?" (they're from the south, he actually did say brung, i didn't make that part up)

Let me tell you something, that story really got me. Miracles happen everyday, but it sometimes seems like people could explain them away as coincidences, or a doctor who went to a good school, or something like that. But things like this, things that you cannot explain away, are the ones that you remember. I don't claim to have any clue as to the big plan, but I'm sure at some point, someone asked why God would let that girl be born with special needs, and that story, I'm positive, is one of the reasons.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

slumber par-tay!

For Christmas, Jen decided to give her cousins (9 & 14, both girls) and invite over to our place for a good old fashioned slumber party! They did finger painting, facials, backrubs, slept in a tent in the living room, ate pizzas and ice cream sundaes, watched a movie, and stayed up late. Then this morning, I made french toast with some orange rind, cinnamon, and a touch of mint in the egg mixture. It was a good time. I spent the evening playing WoW. Of course, it made us doubt our abilities for parenting, but we realized that starting off with one brand new one at a time is way different than suddenly have two that have personalities that we're not used to.
So, I guess we'll have them at some point, when is still our own little secret.
heh heh heh.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Confirmation of awesomeness

No, not the confirmation of my awesomeness, that was confirmed a long time ago, I'm referring to the awesomeness of the expansion for WoW.
Stepped through the portal to find two large stone elemental creatures battling two large demons. Behind them, was a half dragon/half man thingy about 3 times the size of the first four, just watching. All were a level so significantly higher than me (at 60), that I don't actually know their levels. So, following the quest set before me, I just skipped around them and flew to some castle. Their I had to logout due to lack of time, but rest assured, I'll find out all about it tonight, after the gym, and after finishing my bible study for Thursday night.
I'm a busy guy I guess!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Sorry, I can't....

You see, unfortunately, for the unforseeable future, I'm busy....

Monday, January 15, 2007


Well, it's a big day. Technically tomorrow is the big day, but today is when I reactivate my WoW account, in preparation of tomorrow, when the expansion pack comes out. Gotta make sure that I have all the patches downloaded before tomorrow night, want to get all installed as fast as I can, after I get home from Improv.
Not so sure if Jen is as excited as I am, but that's just because she doesn't have her own account, I'm still pushing for that, but not holding my breath.
The rough part is that it came faster than I expected it to, so Final Fantasy XII isn't quite finished yet, in fact, I don't really know how much more there is to it. I've read something like 100 hours to finish it, and since I'm at about 30, I just don't know. Although, that 100 hour mark was how long to complete every aspect of the game, and that's not what I'm after, I wanna defeat the big boss. The weird part is that at this point in the game, I still don't know who it is. Oh well, just have to do it.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

I'm dreaming of a galaxy far far away

Ok, so I've had a couple very odd dreams/talking while sleeping the past few days. First, on the morning of tuesday, at some point, if I remember correctly, I had some sort of dream about how Jen and I came into posession of the Death Star. In my dream, I think that Jen wanted to destroy it, because it had been built and used for destruction, but I wanted to keep it, just because it was the Death Star. So, when Jen woke me up to leave for work, apparently (i don't really remember this part too well) the first thing out of my mouth was, "If we got the death star, would you want to keep it or destroy it?" And my wonderful wifey, without hesitation, I'm sure, responded with, "I'd keep it, so I could have all the paper and pens and computers." To which I responded, "yeah". I'm pretty good at holding a conversation with people while sleeping and not remembering any of it.
The next night, I had a dream that Jen and I had a baby boy, and he and I were hanging out on the bed one day. He just figured out how to make himself sit up on his own, which meant to me that it was time. Time for what, you might ask? Well, time to test him to see if he was force sensitive, and if we were going to have to send him to the Jedi academy. I tested this by rolling a ball to him to see if he had faster than human reflexes. He, unfortunately, did not. But, he scooted himself towards the edge of the bed, and just before it happened, I felt through the force that he was going to lean too far back and fall off the bed. So, just as he started to lean back, I put my hands on his legs and pulled him back onto the bed, and he just giggled away.
Jen thinks I've got too much Star Wars on the brain, but I think it's awesome, and it makes me want to watch a movie, or read a book every day to help promote star wars related dreams.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Not a very merry unbirthday to me

Well, I'm 33 today. And, since 33 has been my 'lucky' number, I guess this means I'm going to have a great year, or it's going to be one that I'll want to quickly forget. My wifey is very optimistic about 2007, she feels like good things are going to happen, my mom, feels kinda like something not so good is going to happen. So, one of the girls in my life will be very right!
I'm pushing for if Jen and I have a set of twins boy and girl, that she lets me name them Luke and Leia. I don't think I have much of a chance to get that motion to pass the vote.
That was off topic, back to my birthday! Apparently, there is a bag, in a very visible place in our living room that contains wrapped birthday presents for me. I just learned this a little bit ago from Jen during our daily lunch chit chat. I didn't know it was there, she said she probably could have not wrapped the presents and I wouldn't have noticed, and I think she's right! I guess I'm pretty oblivious about some things. Usually not so much about my surroundings, but maybe I turn that observation switch off when I'm at home. I don't know.
I'm learning how to write estimates at work, which I am enjoying so far, so that's good. And, being an estimator pays more, so that can't be all that bad for our debt elimination goals.
Jen got a gift certificate for a restaurant in San Clemente called Gordan James, or something like that, so we're going there for my bday tonight. Pretty sweet.
Back to work, lunch time is just about over, and the company's website blocker is about to turn back on pretty soon too.