Thursday, January 04, 2007

Not a very merry unbirthday to me

Well, I'm 33 today. And, since 33 has been my 'lucky' number, I guess this means I'm going to have a great year, or it's going to be one that I'll want to quickly forget. My wifey is very optimistic about 2007, she feels like good things are going to happen, my mom, feels kinda like something not so good is going to happen. So, one of the girls in my life will be very right!
I'm pushing for if Jen and I have a set of twins boy and girl, that she lets me name them Luke and Leia. I don't think I have much of a chance to get that motion to pass the vote.
That was off topic, back to my birthday! Apparently, there is a bag, in a very visible place in our living room that contains wrapped birthday presents for me. I just learned this a little bit ago from Jen during our daily lunch chit chat. I didn't know it was there, she said she probably could have not wrapped the presents and I wouldn't have noticed, and I think she's right! I guess I'm pretty oblivious about some things. Usually not so much about my surroundings, but maybe I turn that observation switch off when I'm at home. I don't know.
I'm learning how to write estimates at work, which I am enjoying so far, so that's good. And, being an estimator pays more, so that can't be all that bad for our debt elimination goals.
Jen got a gift certificate for a restaurant in San Clemente called Gordan James, or something like that, so we're going there for my bday tonight. Pretty sweet.
Back to work, lunch time is just about over, and the company's website blocker is about to turn back on pretty soon too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

im all for luke and leah, and i am definatley not haps' black friend-definately not!