Thursday, January 11, 2007

I'm dreaming of a galaxy far far away

Ok, so I've had a couple very odd dreams/talking while sleeping the past few days. First, on the morning of tuesday, at some point, if I remember correctly, I had some sort of dream about how Jen and I came into posession of the Death Star. In my dream, I think that Jen wanted to destroy it, because it had been built and used for destruction, but I wanted to keep it, just because it was the Death Star. So, when Jen woke me up to leave for work, apparently (i don't really remember this part too well) the first thing out of my mouth was, "If we got the death star, would you want to keep it or destroy it?" And my wonderful wifey, without hesitation, I'm sure, responded with, "I'd keep it, so I could have all the paper and pens and computers." To which I responded, "yeah". I'm pretty good at holding a conversation with people while sleeping and not remembering any of it.
The next night, I had a dream that Jen and I had a baby boy, and he and I were hanging out on the bed one day. He just figured out how to make himself sit up on his own, which meant to me that it was time. Time for what, you might ask? Well, time to test him to see if he was force sensitive, and if we were going to have to send him to the Jedi academy. I tested this by rolling a ball to him to see if he had faster than human reflexes. He, unfortunately, did not. But, he scooted himself towards the edge of the bed, and just before it happened, I felt through the force that he was going to lean too far back and fall off the bed. So, just as he started to lean back, I put my hands on his legs and pulled him back onto the bed, and he just giggled away.
Jen thinks I've got too much Star Wars on the brain, but I think it's awesome, and it makes me want to watch a movie, or read a book every day to help promote star wars related dreams.

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