Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Loco Roco
For those of you that have a psp, stop reading this, and go to psp land, then the downloads section, then download the demo for this game. You'll need the updated software, but it's completely worth it. This game is beyond description. The song, although of unknown language, is so annoyingly catchy, but at the same time, makes you smile, even though you'll have it in your head all day. And, I'm not talkin about the song on the website, I mean the actual one in the game. I'm trying to figure out a way to have a good reason to buy it, but with the WoW expansion coming sometime soon, and FFXII soon as well, and Spore somewhere on the horizon, I'm not so sure it's gonna be possible.
As a side note, I went to culinary school, and it never fails that when someone finds that out, they always want to know what my speciality is. Well, I've never had an answer until now. This answer might be because I'm starving, and this was the easiest thing to make, or maybe it's also because it's one of my favorite foods, but anyway, enjoy.

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