Monday, September 10, 2007

Oh bee-utiful

Well, after 33 years of success, I have failed..... I have been stung by a bee.
Was down at the beach, just walking and hanging out in the sand. I found a little bee wiggling in the sand, probably in the last stages of life. For some reason, I have found many bees in the sand dying or dead, it's like that's where they to to die or something. So, to help this little bee out, I dropped a rock on him. I felt very little-boy-ish, but also very humane, like putting down a horse with a broken leg, all at the same time. About 10 minutes later, I felt a sharp pain on the bottom of my foot, yup, the bottom, so I turned my foot over to see what it was, and there was a little bee, stinger planted in my foot. Now, I don't know if it was the same bee or not, and really, it doesn't matter, the irony of the whole thing is quite funny to me, but the sting, and moreso the end of my streak of bee sting freedom, well those are not quite as funny.

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