Monday, October 08, 2007

Double digits

Saturday was a big day for me, I ran 10 miles. It's the longest distance I've ever ran, and it was a loooong ways. Had a rough time for the first few miles though, both calves cramped up and it was quite painful. After some stretching and walking it mostly went away and I was able to make it. After the big runs, I like to tell myself how many more of those I have to do... Like back when we did 3 miles, I knew that we had to do 9 of those. And now, I just have to do about 2 1/2 times what I did on Saturday. Whoa. We got some more donations over the weekend, which helps a lot. I just hope we get close enough so that in a couple weeks we can realistically commit to doing the Phoenix one instead of the OC one, since that's the one we want to do. We're working on a few other fund raising ideas, we'll see what happens with those too.

1 comment:

sugarlumps said...

TEN MILES!! Congratulations Matt. I am SO proud of you and Jen. You are amazing!
Love you bunches.