Friday, December 07, 2007

World of Lame

So, I was at the gym the other day, and while listening to my random music selections saved on my phone, there was a news story on cnn, or msnbc, or one of those, about Second Life. If you don't know about second life, it's an online world, where you can create a character, and.... well..... be there. It's pretty dumb, to be honest. Which was somewhat of a disappointment to me, since I tend to like most things computer. But this just wasn't interesting. There was no objective, nothing to gain. If I wanted a house, or a piece of land, I had to pay the in-game money for it... which I have to buy with real money. Fine, a game that costs money, I already have that with WoW, but at least in that world (of warcraft) there are objectives, there are things to do, and it's interesting. All I learned in my hour of trying out second life is that people don't actually want to chat, and that flying isn't actually cool, since it's a pain to control properly.
So, if anyone had wanted to check it all out, save your time... honest.
Go buy WoW, and play with me!

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