Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Ok, so there's this game coming out in 5 days called Spore. I first heard about it and started getting excited about it back in 2005, no needless to say, I'm excited. It's basically (well, it's not actually a 'basically' kind of game, but I'll try) a game where you control a species of creatures that you create and evolve and control from a single celled animal to an intergalactic exploring species. The really fun part is that the entire game is populated by creatures created by other real people. So the question then come of, "what about when the first people start playing it, what creatures will be in that game?". Ahhh, good question, young padawan. They released the Spore Creature Creator a few weeks back. People can go in there, play with the creature editor, and publish them to the Sporepedia. As of this exact moment, there are 3,242,091 different creatures in the Sporepedia. And, if you want to see what I've made, you can go to my spore creations and take a look.  Pretty fun stuff.


Anonymous said...

It's official - you are a GEEK!

Anonymous said...

these are great haps! much better than mine

matt said...

yes, i am a geek... but who are you mysterious people that post without a name?