Sunday, August 27, 2006

I'm stupid?

Wish I had remembered the website, but...
I was driving home the other day, and ended up behind one of those cars with tons of bumper stickers, the kind that has way too many to actually read and remember any single one. Until I saw one that made me chuckle. In really big letters it said "The internet makes you stupid" and right underneath it, there was a website listed. Of course, maybe it's a joke site, like they know that the sticker contradicts itself, but I'm more amused with assuming that they didn't realize it.

Also, I'm sick and tired of the increased occurence of the misused apostraphe s ('s). You use an apostraphe when you are showing posession, or when combining 'is' with a word like that's or what's. When you are discussing multiple objects, you don't do it. It's not spelled car's, or paper's, or book's or any other example. It kinda makes me wonder what's going on. I mean, are all the teachers now teaching it wrong? Or, do people just not know, and now that it's becoming more frequent, the people who don't know better just assume that it's the right way? Ugh, I try and point it out when I see people do it as much as possible, but it sure feels like a losing battle.

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