Tuesday, May 29, 2007


This was a good weekend.
My niece, who just turned 10 this month, flew in from AZ to visit us from Friday until Monday. We had a really good time. Went to a BBQ at Jen's cousin's house, saw Pirates (which was one of the most enjoyable movie-going experiences I've had in a really long time.. go see it!) went to the Discovery Science Center, went to the beach, went to church. It was pretty busy, but really fun. Jen and I are also both really proud of that little girl, who is growing up really fast, but really well. She's very polite, considerate, and just an all around joy to be with. Also proud of my little brother, who, with the help of my sister-in-law are doing a great job raising her. Hopefully we'll be able to have her over again sometime this summer.

Oh, go see Pirates, I'm not kidding, go see it.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Happy Birthday!

Star Wars is 30 years old today!
And, Pirates opens today!
And, it's a Friday!

Today is a good day.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Ouch! hee hee hee

Sorry Dodgers fans... it just wasn't your weekend I guess.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Don't cell your soul...

Anyone ever left their cell phone at home on accident? I did it today, and it's driving me crazy. Not because I use it at work, I really don't make too many calls on it, and am usually only able to answer half of any that might come in, it bothers me because I habitually check my pockets to make sure everything is still in them. So, every time I check that pocket, it comes up empty, and there is a moment of mini-panic as I wonder where it could be. It's the same thing as when I go into the ocean and leave my wedding ring with Jen on the beach, I habitually adjust it on my finger, and, once again, mini-panic sets in when I think that I've lost it. So, at least I'm not super addicted to having it so I can always be on the phone, just addicted to having something in my pocket.
Part 2 of the cell phone story is about the Cingular web site. See, I'm in the market for a new phone, and I'm pretty sure I know which one I want. It's a refurb Cingular 8125, and it has been 79.99 after an online rebate. A couple weeks ago, it was 49.99. Went to buy it the next day, and it was back up to 79.99 again. Yesterday, I checked, and it was 59.99, so I figured I'd get it after this next paycheck. Just looked again, yup, back to 79.99. So, I guess the lesson is when it goes down, it's going back up soon and I better buy it!
I was able go to the Honda Center last night with a friend who has season tickets for a little playoff hockey action. I had only been to one game so far this year, so I was excited to go.

This is part of the opening and introductions, pretty cool. you can't see in the pictures, but everything is supposed to look like it's on fire, you can see smoke even coming from the scoreboard. It was a neat effect live.
The togo's blimp is about 12 feet long and remotely controlled. It flies around the arena between periods right over the people (this pic is at one of it's highest points in the journey) and drops goodies on the people. It didn't drop on us, so I don't know what the goodies are.
I didn't take a picture of the final score, because by that time, I was too depressed to take any more pics. Ducks lost, 5-0.
And, as it always does, watching hockey made me wish I still played. It's just way too expensive for me to be able to right now, and I don't really like roller hockey.
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Tuesday, May 15, 2007


A thought popped into my head, while reading blogs today, about race. I hate racism... hate it. One of my best friends in the world is a black guy (and yes, he's fine with me calling him that, even though he was actually born in Africa so is a true African-American), and I can recall numerous stories he's told me about what he's experienced. DWB (driving while black) might be a silly joke, but I can testify to experience while in the car that they do happen. Having the officer walk up to the car and say "I just wanted to make sure everything was ok" is just plain sad. But that is not the point of this post, this one's about using a person's race in a description of them. Now to me, I'm super hesitant to describe someone by their race, unless it's the only way to do it. For example, pointing out someone in a group as the only way to describe them.. same as the short guy, the old guy, the asian guy, that sort of thing. What kinda makes me feel weird is when the addition of their race into their description isn't really needed. Like telling someone about the service they got (good or bad) at a restaurant and adding, "our server, a black guy, did a great job." Even if you were to say they did a good job, or a bad job, the addition of their race, to me, isn't really needed, and in fact, I find it to be a bit racist. Not because you may not like that person's race, but because you are noticing it and pointing it out. I cannot claim that I never do it, and I really think it's super difficult for anyone else to not notice the races of the people around them, it's what you do with and how you use that information that determines your inner thoughts.

Monday, May 14, 2007

he's edumacated!

This past weekend went back to Flagstaff for the youngest brother-in-law's graduation from Northern Arizona University, where my wife's whole family has at least one degree each. This is their dome, before the Houston Astrodome was built, it was the biggest dome in the country. It's a really cool building, and it's got the kind of acoustics that are great for echos. I asked Jen about it, and she said that during games, it's crazy loud in there. We'll have to go to a game one of these years. It was a great weekend, I'm so grateful for this new family. They are all so cool, and bring new personalities into my life, I'm happy. Had a great time hanging out with them all for the weekend, and playing Wii for many hours, good times.

On another note, Jen made me chuckle today.. she was talking to one of her credit card companies, transferring our rapidly shrinking balances to them with a smaller interest rate. The person she was talking to, even after helping him to pronounce our last name correctly (which most people are unable to do), was trying to get her to sign up for their identity theft protection plan, but still using the bad pronunciation of Murphy. My brilliant other half, in her attempt to get him to understand that she didn't want to sign up, told him that she wasn't worried about having her identity stolen if that guy couldn't even say our name right. Still makes me giggle.
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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Too many posts for today, I know

Quick question, what's the deal with texting? Maybe I'm too old for it, maybe I just am not used to it since it costs extra on my plan, but if you have something to say that requires more than 1 text each way, why not just call the person? If you're in a situation where talking wouldn't be good, then doesn't that mean you shouldn't be texting either? Someone please explain this to me!


My mom's latest post about fear is very interesting. She's much more well spoken than I, probably because I'm in more of a hurry and don't take the time to thoroughly think through my words. But, at least I can spell. Anyway, check this out:

SNL 90s

Watched some of that show from Sunday night about Saturday Night Live in the 90s. It's fun to watch little bits of things I haven't seen in years, "the Stingmeister, makin' copies!" I also heard one of them say something that is very true. Whenever you ask people what they think of SNL, most of the time the response is something about how it isn't so good now, but it used to be great. No matter when it is, people tend to think it used to be better, just the cast before this one. Me, I love it, all the time. Sure, some are funny, and some are not. But they literally finish writing some of the sketches minutes before the show starts. They showed Mike Myers saying how one time they were opening the show with Wayne's World, and were finishing it up 33 seconds before going on. That takes talent to pull off, no matter who you ask. Whoa.

Gettin Hitched!

This year, Jen and I are going to 7 weddings. Yes, 7. Possibly 8, depending on when my brother-in-law has his. We also are missing one, due to the fact that it is happening at the same time as the one that we'll be attending in the Dominican Republic. We enjoy it though, because we get to just sit back, and relax, and watch it all commence (and critique it all too). Went to one last Sunday (our third of the year) with the ceremony in a park in Orange, and the reception at an Italian restaurant right by Santa Margarita and Marguerite. Both sets of parents were Romanian, so they split up the two rooms, one with the older crowd for all the Romanian traditions (circle dancing) , and one for the American traditions (not really anything). The speeches were good, but I always prefer ones done on the spot by an overly intoxicated best man, way better than watching a train wreck. We saw one once a couple years back where the best man was cussing his way through it and telling the kind of stories that aren't supposed to be told about the groom. Pretty much he was the only one laughing, with the rest of us staring at him amazed. It was awesome.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Acting 101

So, I should start by saying that I'm not a basketball fan, so I'm a bid non-neutral on this. I was watching the Lakers-Suns game last night. Well, not really watching, but it was on. Basketball is kinda lame. I hate how someone gets bumped, not hit, bumped, and that makes them fall to the ground with their hands up in the air as if to say, "Look how innocent I am, I didn't touch him!" That stops play, so that someone gets to take some shots. Plus, when these guys fall on the ground, the just lay there for 3 or 4 seconds. I love it when the refs don't call any foul on it, then that player looks like a moron, just laying there while play continues. If you fall down, you jump back to your feet and keep playing! I'm not saying that they aren't talented, I have absolutely not basketball talent, at all. They can move with the ball and shoot with all the talent that a pro should have. But, when someone is standing under the basket, doing that fake up and down pump thing, and someone stands behind him and puts his hands in the air over his head, I know what's gonna happen. The person with the ball will jump up into those hands, and a foul will be called. Hey, don't jump into the hands! I suppose I shouldn't worry about it too much, because I think basketball players are slowly but surely driving their sport into the ground, with their self-centered ball-hogin ways.

My rant for the day, sorry about that.

Someone get these guys an Oscar!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Practical Joke

After the Angels game was over last night, I was caught a show about an Angels fantasy camp they had last spring. At one point, all the guys were in the locker room, and the coach was talking to someone else about how he used to be able to squat about 700 lbs. The guys said he couldn't lift that much now, but he was sure he could do 600. So, they got three of the players to lay down on the ground, like that guy was going to lift them all. To be able to do it, the trainers came along and tied the three of them together, with their hands, legs, etc, to make them one unit. The lifter came up, grabbed his "handles" and told the guys to close their eyes and concentrate on being stiff to make it easier to lift. Then they counted, one, two, and on three, about 10 other guys who were in on it dumped flour, ketchup, mustard, and who knows what else all over them. Of course, since they were laying on the ground on their backs all tied up, they couldn't do anything to protect themselves. Pretty funny stuff.


Dear everyone in Orange County who owns a house:
Would you mind doing all of us renters a favor and all move away? That way, supply will go through the roof, prices will drop, and I won't have to worry about if my neighbors have left their clothes in the washer and dryer for 3 days, preventing me from doing laundry because I will be able to afford a house and have my own washer and dryer.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Wiki game

So I've invented a type of game using Wikipedia. You know how words in articles are hyperlinks to other entries? I'm thinking that there must be a way to get from one topic to another, but while only using those hyperlinks. For example, is it possible to get to the article about dolphins by typing it in, and then using only clicks, getting to something like Harry Belafonte? There's the challenge, dolphins

to Harry Belafonte.

If anyone can do it, let me know!

EDIT: It is possible to do, I have done it. I am invincible!!!