Monday, May 14, 2007

he's edumacated!

This past weekend went back to Flagstaff for the youngest brother-in-law's graduation from Northern Arizona University, where my wife's whole family has at least one degree each. This is their dome, before the Houston Astrodome was built, it was the biggest dome in the country. It's a really cool building, and it's got the kind of acoustics that are great for echos. I asked Jen about it, and she said that during games, it's crazy loud in there. We'll have to go to a game one of these years. It was a great weekend, I'm so grateful for this new family. They are all so cool, and bring new personalities into my life, I'm happy. Had a great time hanging out with them all for the weekend, and playing Wii for many hours, good times.

On another note, Jen made me chuckle today.. she was talking to one of her credit card companies, transferring our rapidly shrinking balances to them with a smaller interest rate. The person she was talking to, even after helping him to pronounce our last name correctly (which most people are unable to do), was trying to get her to sign up for their identity theft protection plan, but still using the bad pronunciation of Murphy. My brilliant other half, in her attempt to get him to understand that she didn't want to sign up, told him that she wasn't worried about having her identity stolen if that guy couldn't even say our name right. Still makes me giggle.
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