Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Gettin Hitched!

This year, Jen and I are going to 7 weddings. Yes, 7. Possibly 8, depending on when my brother-in-law has his. We also are missing one, due to the fact that it is happening at the same time as the one that we'll be attending in the Dominican Republic. We enjoy it though, because we get to just sit back, and relax, and watch it all commence (and critique it all too). Went to one last Sunday (our third of the year) with the ceremony in a park in Orange, and the reception at an Italian restaurant right by Santa Margarita and Marguerite. Both sets of parents were Romanian, so they split up the two rooms, one with the older crowd for all the Romanian traditions (circle dancing) , and one for the American traditions (not really anything). The speeches were good, but I always prefer ones done on the spot by an overly intoxicated best man, way better than watching a train wreck. We saw one once a couple years back where the best man was cussing his way through it and telling the kind of stories that aren't supposed to be told about the groom. Pretty much he was the only one laughing, with the rest of us staring at him amazed. It was awesome.

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