Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Don't cell your soul...

Anyone ever left their cell phone at home on accident? I did it today, and it's driving me crazy. Not because I use it at work, I really don't make too many calls on it, and am usually only able to answer half of any that might come in, it bothers me because I habitually check my pockets to make sure everything is still in them. So, every time I check that pocket, it comes up empty, and there is a moment of mini-panic as I wonder where it could be. It's the same thing as when I go into the ocean and leave my wedding ring with Jen on the beach, I habitually adjust it on my finger, and, once again, mini-panic sets in when I think that I've lost it. So, at least I'm not super addicted to having it so I can always be on the phone, just addicted to having something in my pocket.
Part 2 of the cell phone story is about the Cingular web site. See, I'm in the market for a new phone, and I'm pretty sure I know which one I want. It's a refurb Cingular 8125, and it has been 79.99 after an online rebate. A couple weeks ago, it was 49.99. Went to buy it the next day, and it was back up to 79.99 again. Yesterday, I checked, and it was 59.99, so I figured I'd get it after this next paycheck. Just looked again, yup, back to 79.99. So, I guess the lesson is when it goes down, it's going back up soon and I better buy it!

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