Thursday, May 03, 2007

Acting 101

So, I should start by saying that I'm not a basketball fan, so I'm a bid non-neutral on this. I was watching the Lakers-Suns game last night. Well, not really watching, but it was on. Basketball is kinda lame. I hate how someone gets bumped, not hit, bumped, and that makes them fall to the ground with their hands up in the air as if to say, "Look how innocent I am, I didn't touch him!" That stops play, so that someone gets to take some shots. Plus, when these guys fall on the ground, the just lay there for 3 or 4 seconds. I love it when the refs don't call any foul on it, then that player looks like a moron, just laying there while play continues. If you fall down, you jump back to your feet and keep playing! I'm not saying that they aren't talented, I have absolutely not basketball talent, at all. They can move with the ball and shoot with all the talent that a pro should have. But, when someone is standing under the basket, doing that fake up and down pump thing, and someone stands behind him and puts his hands in the air over his head, I know what's gonna happen. The person with the ball will jump up into those hands, and a foul will be called. Hey, don't jump into the hands! I suppose I shouldn't worry about it too much, because I think basketball players are slowly but surely driving their sport into the ground, with their self-centered ball-hogin ways.

My rant for the day, sorry about that.

Someone get these guys an Oscar!

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