Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I was able go to the Honda Center last night with a friend who has season tickets for a little playoff hockey action. I had only been to one game so far this year, so I was excited to go.

This is part of the opening and introductions, pretty cool. you can't see in the pictures, but everything is supposed to look like it's on fire, you can see smoke even coming from the scoreboard. It was a neat effect live.
The togo's blimp is about 12 feet long and remotely controlled. It flies around the arena between periods right over the people (this pic is at one of it's highest points in the journey) and drops goodies on the people. It didn't drop on us, so I don't know what the goodies are.
I didn't take a picture of the final score, because by that time, I was too depressed to take any more pics. Ducks lost, 5-0.
And, as it always does, watching hockey made me wish I still played. It's just way too expensive for me to be able to right now, and I don't really like roller hockey.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.