Tuesday, May 08, 2007

SNL 90s

Watched some of that show from Sunday night about Saturday Night Live in the 90s. It's fun to watch little bits of things I haven't seen in years, "the Stingmeister, makin' copies!" I also heard one of them say something that is very true. Whenever you ask people what they think of SNL, most of the time the response is something about how it isn't so good now, but it used to be great. No matter when it is, people tend to think it used to be better, just the cast before this one. Me, I love it, all the time. Sure, some are funny, and some are not. But they literally finish writing some of the sketches minutes before the show starts. They showed Mike Myers saying how one time they were opening the show with Wayne's World, and were finishing it up 33 seconds before going on. That takes talent to pull off, no matter who you ask. Whoa.

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